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Business Team

Extended Disc (EDISC)

What is Extended Disc (EDISC)?

Do you want make better decisions with confidence? Do you want to increase performance?

If YES, then EDISC is for you. EDISC provides you with information about your employees. This would help you to eliminate any mistakes, increase performance and therefore profits. This is scientifically proven, internationally cherished instrument. 

History of EDISC

In the early 1920's, Mr. Carl Jung a psychologist described the four  different energy types D, I, S, C. Thus DISC was born. In 1956, Mr. Walter Clarke a psychologist developed first tools using Marston's DISC. These tools were used in recruitment industry. 


In 1991, Mr. Jukka Sappinen, developed EDISC. he was aware of all the above instruments and wanted to develop a much better and effective instrument which can be widely used and based on specific needs of a client.


Who is it for ?

It's widely used in the following, but not restricted to these industries


  • Recruitment

  • Leadership development

  • Organisational development 

  • Sales management 

  • Team development 

  • Coaching 

  • Communication 

  • Talent management

  • Customer training

Why should I use it ?

In every organisation people are the most valuable asset. Employees create a competitive advantage and help organisation grow. Future of the organisation is largely dependent on employees. As a result you would like to understand your employee behaviours which lead to organisations success and failure.



Extended DISC assessment can help in 


Increase great communication and understanding in your organisation

  • Leading your organisation better

  • Develop a better business model

  • Align your employees with the vision, mission, values and strategy

  • Place employees in the most suitable roles
  • Retain your employees
  • Develop your organisational culture
  • Create a better team culture. 

What do I get in EDISC unpack?

As part of Individual EDISC unpack you will get following


  • 30 min of pre-profiling session

  • 25 Online Profiling questions, should take just 5 - 10 min

  • Upto 2 hr of profile unpack. Which includes some coaching too. 

  • 20+ Pages of EDISC Profile emailed to you.

What types of profiles can I get?

Few popular types of profiles in EDISC include


  • Individual Profile

  • Leadership Profile

  • Team Profile

  • Relationship Profile

  • Sales Profile

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